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Atsuo Hashimoto 橋本篤生

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My overall influence is from nature. I have an interest in a complex system in nature. Therefore, I hope to creat biomorphic forms and textures. I often use optical distortions in my photography. Other than that, paint with watercolours and colour pencils on a paper or a glass plate in order to make textures. Also, sometimes take detailed images of painting. They are records of moments.


Atsuo Hashimoto - Tokyo based Photographer and Visual Artist.

He grew up in a suburb of Shizuoka in central Japan. When he was a child, he loved to paint in nature.  Also, his mother read him a lot of books every day, so he developed a strong sense of curiosity and an imagination.


He became interested in archeology when he was a high school student. He bought a DSLR camera to take objects excavated and became fascinated in documentary photography. He moved to Kyoto after graduating from high school. With the traditional beauty of Kyoto around him, he has recaptured his passion for photography and his interest wes shifting toward art photography.


Atsuo Graduated Visual Arts College Osaka. Since graduating,he assisted Yutaka Takanashi for 5 years. It was a very educational to work for such a fantastic photographer. After that, he started his career as a Commercial photographer. Meanwhile, he has taken fine art photographs. 


He held first solo exhibition “Phantastes” themed as otherworldly forest at Aoyama Omotesando Hanae Mori gallery, Tokyo(2001). After that he collaborated between music and visual art “Romance in dappled sunlight” on the same theme at Shirakawa Hall, Nagoya(2006). Since then, he joined a group exhibition “Luminescence+object” at CASE gallery, Tokyo(2010)and held a solo exhibition “FLUIDITY” at CASE gallery, Tokyo (2012).


2001 Hanae Mori Aoyama Omotesando gallery(Tokyo)

2014 CASE gallery(Tokyo)

2014 dish-tokyogastronomycafe(Tokyo)

Group exhibition

2010 Luminescence+object CASE gallery(Tokyo)

2023 Galería Azur Berlin Session 4(Berlin)

4 pieces selected The Holidays Wish List 2023 (Galería Azur Berlin)






その後、広告写真家の岡田正洋事務所に3年間勤務しながらフリーランスとしての仕事を始める。EMIのクラシック シリーズのCDカバー写真が、雑誌や新聞で話題になったことなどを機に独立、現在に至る。


森や自然を愛し、Walesの森や八ヶ岳山麓を散策。2001年 森とファッションを主題とした作品を、ファッション デザイナー松居エリ氏(現 emarie)の協力を得て制作、青山表参道ハナエモリギャラリーにて展示。当時は珍しかったPhotoshopを使用した自然な印象の合成作品であった。

撮影の仕事は主にアメリカや日本の大手IT企業の広告撮影や、多様な日本企業の広告撮影を手がける。ときに書籍やCDカバー、舞台プログラムの装画をする。また近年は、テキスタイル デザイナーの作品・製品撮影や、工藝作家・アーテイストの主に海外ギャラリー向けの作品撮影を手がけている。


カラーマネジメントに関しては、GMG Color develops high-quality colour management software日本語版開発テストにも参加。オフセット印刷、Website等の広範なプラットフォームでの正確な色再現に関して豊富な知識・経験を持つ。

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